sewing school

The vocational training program offers these vulnerable women the opportunity to learn tailoring, a vital skill which offers them future employment opportunities and the chance to escape poverty and prostitution. We do this because Eden Temple believes the way out of poverty is through job training and employment.

Since 2014

Hundreds of women have completed the Eden Temple sewing school vocational training program. These women come from a variety of challenging life experiences. Many are HIV-positive, single mothers, widowed, in abusive situations (or emerging from them), all are poor, and most of them have been getting food on their plate from prostitution.

feeding the spirit

While learning tailoring skills is the aim of the training, transforming lives is the ultimate goal of the program. The emphasis on Christian principles results in many women giving their lives to Christ each day through the program.

You can make a difference

If you would like to help the sewing ministry please contact us. We would love to hear from you!