Eden's Child

Eden’s Child is a non-profit sponsorship program serving villages all across the African country of Rwanda. This child-centered ministry is a partnership between Eden Temple International, pastored by John Mulisa, and you, our donors.

$35 changes a life

· Medical insurance for the entire family
· Medical insurance co-pays and medicines for the child
· Weekly nurse check-ups
· Food supplements in cases of malnutrition
· Financial aid for significant medical needs
· Saturday Bible Connect learning more about Jesus, the Bible, and share a nutritional meal together with friends
· If needed beans and seeds for planting gardens
· Quarterly food distribution of 55lbs of rice and 23lbs of beans
· Soaps and lotions on a bi-monthly allotment
· School fees for the sponsor child including lunch fees
· School uniforms, shoes, and school supplies
· Easter and Christmas special gifts offerings for identified critical needs (mattresses, blankets, cups, plates, spoons, and cooking pots)
· 5 day Summer youth camp for primary 5 kids and above. The camp provides hot showers, 3 meals a day, guest speakers, praise and worship, and lots of sports and time to make new friends.

Break the cycle of poverty

Your monthly contribution of just $35 will dramatically and forever change this child's life.

You can make a difference

Be the hands and feet of Jesus by giving hope to a child in desperate need.

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