eden trust fund

To provide financial services to the Rwanda’s lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets and improve their standard of living.

Our Vision

To be a global microfinance network collectively serving more low-income entrepreneurs than any other microfinance institution while operating on commercial principles of performance and sustainability.

Founded in 2013

Eden Trust Fund provides financial services to Rwanda’s lowest-income entrepreneurs so they can create jobs, build assets, and improve their standard of living. It is Village Banking, a form of microlending. It is economic democracy in action.

A Village Bank

A Village Banking group is a support group of five to twenty members (usually women) who meet regularly to gain access to three essential services:

1- Small self-employment loans to start or expand their own businesses.
2- An incentive and a means to accumulating savings.
3- Community-based system that provides mutual support and encourages personal empowerment.