Economic Stability

Just outside of Butare the village of Save is leading the way with a wonderful story of self help success. Eden Temple International started village self help groups empowering the parents of Eden's Child sponsor children. The Eden's Child parents are mentored by Eden Temple staff and provided the structure and sometimes start up funds through the Eden Temple Micro Finance Program. The self help groups meet regularly and members chip in and pool money every time they meet. This money is then used for group agricultural projects, village improvement projects, or even emergency repairs of village homes. The self-help program has been an immense success in 2023 and just keeps blossoming in 2024.

Goats, Pigs, and Corn!

The Save village ICYEREKEZO Self Help Group started their journey by creating a plan to raise goats, pigs, and grow maize. Collecting 200Rwf (16 cents) when they meet they were able to save and purchase multiple pigs, goats, and plant maize on a nearby field they also rent with the money from the group. The joy from this groups success is felt when they share their progress and display their healthy animals. You can see from the pictures it is now time to harvest the corn and feed the people!

Holding Each Other Accountable

All of Eden Temple  self help groups are inspired to hold each other accountable and inspire team development. This has proven to be a key factor in the success of the groups throughout all the villages. They groups are developing themselves and growing together making progress unattainable as an individual. Seeing these groups prosper has been a true blessing and Eden Temple is excited to see the villages breaking the cycle of poverty.

by John Mulisa


Lead Pastor and Founder of Eden Temple International