Better Life For Rwandan Children

Currently the Eden's Child program has over 850 kids in full sponsorship. Providing food, medical care for the whole family, school supplies, and so much more for just $35 a month. I recently spoke with Pastor John Mulisa and asked him about Eden Temple International short term goals. He shared his movement towards reaching 1,000 children in sponsorship as one goal that is nearly complete.

On our way to 1,000

Managing the steady growth of the Eden's Child program is always a challenge, but one gratefully accepted. With help from volunteers all over the world the program is modernizing and updating to meet the growth. A new digital database is being implemented to track the logistics of distribution, child information updates, and registration of new children into the program. This new update will ensure every single child is given the proper care and no detail is forgotten.

How can you help?

Eden Temple International is currently raising funds for computers to complete the modernization of the program. This will allow all the Eden's Child coordinators access to all the programs and database even from remote villages. Please contact us to find out how you can donate and help us reach 1,000!

by Jim Rutske

Creative Director

Spreading the wonderful story of Eden Temple International